‘Drop in’ Sessions Resume

Sep 5, 2023

Mental Health Drop in sessions – resume…

Mental health drop in sessions that were previously run by JPF First Aid are set to resume from this month. This is following the summer break, however the sessions this time will be provided with additional support now being made available. The sessions will continue as before at The Queslett, with tea and coffee refreshments provided, so why not join us for a chat.

Mental health continues to affect many people as we all know and JPF First Aid would like to support where possible. By providing these sessions, allows the opportunity for individuals to come along, talk to us without judgement and purely to help where we can.

What additional support will now be provided at these sessions?

With the continued cost-of-living crisis affecting many people and families alike, where worries and anxieties will be increasing due to bills and wondering how these may be paid, a specialist in bill management will be joining us. Carrie, will be on hand to help where she can, providing her expert knowledge as well as guidance and may even support by saving you money too!

So, if you do have any concerns or worries regarding bill payments, please come along have a tea or coffee and chat with Carrie.

When will the sessions be?

The sessions will be running on a Saturday morning every month from 10am until 12 noon at The Queslett. Please see the above image for more details along with the dates that these sessions are running up to and including January 2024. Don’t worry though, more dates will follow on after January 2024 continuing the support to the community.

We look forward to seeing you at the first session as detailed below on 23rd September 2023.

Are you experiencing a mental health crisis and need help now?

If you or anyone you know is suffering from a mental health crisis please text the word ‘Shout’ to 85258. This is a free text messaging service which provides 24/7 help and support, where Shout is powered by a team of volunteers who at the heart of the service. They are trained to create a safe space for people experiencing mental health challenges, where Shout is a campaign that is run by Heads Together. For more information please see their website – Heads Together | Join the conversation | Mental Health